Vitamin Primexes

      Product: BREEVIT – 430BB
Use/Desc: In Balanced diet of Broiler Breeder Vitamins play a vital role for nutrient availability and digestion.

Features: Vitamins are not only important for Broiler Breeders but also play a major role in progeny. Read More

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      Product: LAYVIT – 300L
Use/Desc: LAYVIT PREMIX provides all vitamins needed by the layer bird as per breed standard requirements.

Features: LAYVIT PREMIX in feed prevents deficiency of vitamins. The unique formulation of layvit premix ensures better egg production and better feed conversion.Read More

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      Product: BROVIT PBS
Use/Desc: The broiler today weighs 1.9-1.98 kg at 35 days and needs proper nutrition to attain this body weight.

Features: The traditional mixing of vitamins AB2D3K & Vitamin B group in feed either result in deficiency of some critical vitamins like A & D or leads to wastage of some vitamins (if added at higher dosage). The end result is either wastage of money or unexploited genetic potential of today’s broiler chicks.Read More

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