Vencob 100 Broiler Breeder

Exhibiting traits that are in tune with market requirements, the Vencobb Broiler Breeder has achieved the distinction of being the most productive bird in the Indian Market.

This can be attributed to the viable breeding programs of Venco, which extend right from the purelines to the breeders. They provide the basis for traits that influence overall performance and profitability such as early maturity, high and sustained peak, persistency through lay, shell quality, elevated egg production, optimum fertility and maximum hatchability.

The Vencobb Broiler Breeder continues to remain as the “preferred breed” for a growing number of broiler breeders and hatcheries.

Breeder Stock Performance Specifications

Genetic Trait
Number of Eggs per hen housed (68 weeks of age) 198 eggs
Number of Hatching Eggs per hen housed (68 weeks of age) 183 eggs
Peak Production 86 %
Number of Chicks per hen housed (68 weeks of age) 162 chicks
Livability up to 24 weeks 92 – 94 %
Livability from 25 to 68 weeks 90 – 92 %
Performance Specifications
Age Live Weight FCR
35 Days 1.850 1.63
42 Days 2.450 1.75